Press 195: Roast Pork

Press 195's Roast Pork Ingredients:
10 cloves fresh garlic
½ cup fresh lime juice
1 piece center-cut pork loin (6-7 pounds)
½ cup pork seasoning mix*

* Press 195's Pork Seasoning Mix:
Mix ingredients below to make a quart of Pork Seasoning Mix
1½ cups kosher salt
¾ cup paprika
1½ cup onion powder
¾ cup cumin
⅛ cup black pepper
⅛ cup dried cilantro

Puree garlic with 1/4 cup lime juice. Slice pork in half lengthwise and place in foil-lined pan with sides. Make slits every 2-3 inches, about 2-3 inches long and 2 inches deep. Coat meat with remaining juice, then seasoning mix. Fill slits with garlic puree. Marinate in refrigerator for 6 hours or preferably overnight. Cook for one hour at 450° degrees or until 160 degrees in center. Let cool.

Restaurant: Press 195
Recipe Type: Authentic
Submitted By: Press 195
Recipe Author: Press 195
Newspaper: New York Daily News
Original Photograph By:
Photograph Retouched By: Recipe Spy
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