Bistro 1111: Macadamia Encrusted Ahi with Wasabi Burre Blanc Recipe

Fish Ingredients:
7 oz. fresh ahi
1/2 c. macadamia nuts, chopped fine
1/2 c. panko breadcrumbs
salt and pepper to taste
1 c. egg-wash
1 oz. butter flavored oil

Fish Procedure:
Put macadamia nuts and breadcrumbs in food processor. Pulse on high until coarse consistency, season with salt and pepper. Dip ahi into egg-wash, then crumb mixture. Cook on flat grill in oil until brown on both sides but still rare in middle.

Wasabi Burre Blanc Ingredients:
1 oz. wasabi powder
water as needed
2 oranges, halved
2 lemons, halved
2 c. white wine
4 oz. granulated sugar
6 oz. shallots, chopped fine
salt and pepper to taste
1 lb. Butter, chilled and chopped

Wasabi Burre Blanc Procedure:
Add bit of water to wasabi powder to form paste. Add shallots, oranges, lemons, wine and bring to boil in medium saucepan. Simmer until reduced by half. Remove citrus. While on very low heat, whish in butter one piece at a time until sauce slightly thickens. Add sugar. Serve with ahi. Yield: 1 portion.

Type: Authentic Recipe
Author: Chef Scot Masters of Bistro 1111
Restaurant: Bistro 1111