Lite Caramel Frappe Cappuccino

1/2 cup filtered water
1 tablespoon of your favorite caramel sauce
2 tablespoons fresh ground millstone caramel truffle coffee
2 ice cubes
3/4 cup plain soy milk or vanilla-flavored soy milk or 2% low-fat milk
1/8 teaspoon guar gum (a thickener available at a Health Food Store)
1 tablespoon sugar or Splenda sugar substitute

Place coffee in a filter, place in basket of coffee maker.
Fill water reservoir with the water.
Brew coffee, then pour the brewd coffee into water reservoir to brew again.
Place cooled coffee in blender with guar gum, sweetener, soy milk or milk, blend 15 seconds.
Add ice cubes, buzz another 15 seconds.
Pour into serving glass, drizzle with caramel sauce.
Insert straw and enjoy, you didn't even have to get dressed to go to Starbucks.
Tip: To clean the coffee maker after making these, brew water through it to clean.
Every week I clean it with vinegar, place vinegar to fill up the coffee pot, brew twice with the vinegar (use a filter, then discard to clean with the water, next step) then brew water (pour out water and refill with fresh water for second brew) through machine twice.

Type: Copycat

Source: Todd Wilbur
Book: Top Secret Recipes

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