Serves: 4
Ingredients for Potato Gnocchi:
5 baking potatoes
2 egg yolks
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon grated nutmeg
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1-1/2 cups all- purpose flour
Instructions for Potato Gnocchi:
Bake the potatoes in a 350-degree F. oven for 1 hour. Peel and mash them.
In a bowl, combine the egg yolks, salt, nutmeg, and parmesan cheese.
Add the mashed potatoes.
Add the flour, a little at a time, until a dough forms and holds together.
The dough should be soft but firm enough to roll.
Dust the work surface lightly with flour.
Divide the dough into 2 or more parts and shape each into a sausage-like roll about 1 inch in diameter.
Cut the roll into pieces 3/4 inch long.
To shape the gnocchi, hold a fork with the concave (top-side) facing you.
With the index finger of your other hand, press the dough piece just below the top of the fork.
Pull down toward the fork's handle and allow the dough to roll over on itself.
The pieces should have ridges on one side formed by the tines of the fork and a depression on the other formed by your finger. *
While working with gnocchi, dust your hands and work surface regularly with flour.
Place the formed gnocchi on a lightly floured surface.
Cook the gnocchi in boiling, salted water 2-3 minutes or until they float to the surface.
Remove and mix gently with your desired sauce.
* An Alternate Method to Form Gnocchi:
Take each piece of dough, press and roll it against a cheese grater to give it a nice design and texture.
Instructions for Gnocchi in Brodo:
To serve gnocchi as a soup, prepare either the Potato or Ricotta Gnocchi.
You can use canned beef broth or, for a more traditional dish, try our recipe for Brodo di Carne
Bring Brodo di Carne or beef broth to a simmer.
Add the gnocchi and cook until the gnocchi float to the surface.
Serve in individual soup bowls and sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese.
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