
Rub Secrets

A rub is a mixture of seasonings rubbed onto the surface of meat before cooking. They are commonly used
on roasts, steaks and ground beef. Rubs not only add flavor, but they can also help seal in juices and form a
delicious crust. One thing you can’t expect them to do, however, is tenderize.
• Make your own dry rubs by combining your favorite fresh or dry herbs, spices and other dry seasonings.
• Add additional zing and spice to your favorite cut with a paste rub.
• To make a paste, you combine dry seasonings with oil.
You can use your favorite oil that’s infused with garlic, red pepper or lemon, or any other oil of your choice.
• You can also add small amounts of finely chopped garlic or onion, or seasonings such as mustard, soy
sauce or horseradish that will help bind the mixture.
• The goal is to maintain a consistency that can be spread thickly on your beef.
• Rubs can be applied just before cooking. For more pronounced flavor, apply rub to beef, then refrigerate
for several hours.
