
Chef Tips on Grilling Fish

Chef Alexis had some tips to share when it comes to grilling fish. Here are few:

1. Buy only fresh fish.
2. Buy your fish “skin on”. It will hold together better and seal in moistness and flavor.
3. Don’t grill cold fish. When grilling, it’s best not to grill cold protein. So pull from the fridge and marinate at room temperature for 20 to 30 minutes before you grill.
4. Feel the heat. Ignore your grill’s temperature gauge. Put your hand an inch above the hot grill. If you can’t get your hand that close, it’s too hot. If you don’t have to pull away after 2 to 4 seconds, it’s too cold.
5. Perfect timing. Most fish can be cooked 6 to 7 min per side over medium heat. For thicker fish, you’ll want to add a minute. For thinner fish, subtract a minute. And for tuna, 90 seconds per side should be perfect.

Submitted By: Chef: Jon Alexis
Recipe Author:Chef: Jon Alexis