Stein Eriksen Lodge: Jarlsberg Cheese Sauce Recipe
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1 Cup Heavy Cream
¼ Cup Whole Milk
2 tsp Corn Starch
4 tsp Cold Water
2 Cups Jarlsberg Cheese (grated)
¼ tsp Kosher Salt
¼ tsp White Pepper
1 Pinch Nutmeg (grated)
1. Bring cream and milk to a simmer.
2. Mix corn starch and water together.
3. Add corn starch slurry to simmering milk and cream. (You must bring the cream to
a boil, to activate the corn starch.)
4. Slowly add in grated Jarlsberg cheese, continually whipping until a smooth saucelike consistency. (Use caution; the cheese sauce can burn easily.)
5. Add salt, white pepper and nutmeg.
6. Keep sauce warm until ready to serve.
Restaurant: Stein Eriksen Lodge, 7700 Stein Way Park City, UT
Recipe Type: Authentic
Submitted By: Zane Holmquist, Executive Chef
Recipe Author: Zane Holmquist, Executive Chef
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