
Grilled Panini Italiano with Breaded Cherry Peppers Recipe - Chef Neil Doherty

Yields: 1 serving
Conversion Chart:  Here >>

3 ounces chicken breast
1 3-inch portabello mushroom
5 loaf ciabatta bread
2 ounce fresh spinach
3 ounces Roland roasted red peppers
2 each slice mozzarella log, pre-cut
3 ounces cherry peppers, sliced
1 ounce Arrezzio pesto

Breading Ingredients:
1 ounce flour, seasoned
1 ounce evaporated milk
2 teaspoon Cajun seasoning

1. Season chicken & grill, may use an Italian or McCormick Pepper Supreme seasoning.
2. Season and grill portabello mushroom, best to cut into ¼-inch slices before grilling.
3.Grill bread, season with a little kosher salt, spread with a little pesto; build in a stacking fashion, start with spinach then mushrooms, roasted peppers, fresh mozzarella, and finally chicken. Top with toasted ciabatta, and skewer, garnish is optional.
4. Drain hot cherry peppers, dredge in seasoned flour then evaporated milk, and back into flour, shake and fry at 350 degrees for approx 1 minute till golden and crispy. Sprinkle with Cajun seasoning whilst hot

Recipe Type: Authentic
Recipe Author: Chef Neil Doherty
Magazine: Chef Ref Foodie
Original Photograph By:
Photograph Retouched By: Recipe Spy
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