
A Taste of Lebanon: Sesame Seed Sauce Recipe

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1 clove garlic
½  tsp. salt
½ cup Sesame Seed Paste (Tahini)
½ cup cold water
½ cup lemon juice

Crush garlic and salt together in mixing bowl. Blend in Sesame Seed Paste. Gradually add water, blending well. Then, blend in lemon juice until smooth. If a thicker sauce is preferred, use less water. Serve with Tried Cauliflower (page 115), Fried Eggplant (page 114), fried potatoes and fish dishes. Use as a dip for breads or raw vegetables, or as a dressing for any raw or cooked vegetable salad.

All ingredients may be placed in blender or food processor and blended for 1 minute.

Recipe Type: Authentic
Book: A Taste of Lebanon: Cooking Today the Lebanese Way
Book Author: Mary Salloum
Recipe Source:

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