
The Sweet Tooth: Chocolate Covered Bacon with Sea Salt Recipe

Wax Paper
Cookie Sheet
Plastic Tumbler
Butter knife

Precooked Bacon (your favorite)
Dark Chocolate
Sea Salt

Place the wax paper on the cookie sheet Melt chocolate and place in the tumbler and set to the side. Cook your bacon in the microwave to your desired crispness (not too crispy or it will crumble) make sure it is drained and patted dry with paper towel before dipping. Dip bacon into the chocolate and place on cookie sheet. Sprinkle with a touch of sea salt and let dry. Enjoy tasting the savory bacon with
chocolate and sea salt!

Store: The Sweet Tooth, 335 S Water St, Marine City, MI, USA
Recipe Type: Authentic
Submitted By: The Sweet Tooth
Recipe Author: The Sweet Tooth
Recipe Source: