
Ritz-Carlton Hotel: Pastry Cream

2 cups + 3 Tbsp. Whole Milk
3½ Tbsp. Unsalted Butter
1/2 cup + 1 Tbsp. Granulated Sugar
1 each Vanilla Bean, split and scraped
8 each Egg Yolks
1/3 cup Cornstarch

Remove 1/2 cup cold milk and mix with cornstarch. Combine the remaining milk with 1/2 of sugar, butter and vanilla bean seeds in saucepan; bring to boil. Add cornstarch mixture to hot milk mixture and mix well. Mix the remaining sugar with the egg yolks. Pour 3/4 of milk mixture into egg yolks. Transfer back to remaining hot milk and place on stove. While stirring, bring mixture slowly to boil. The final boil should last at least 1 minute to cook out starch flavor. As soon as mixture is thick, remove from stove and whisk until mixture is smooth. Spread pastry cream on a sheetpan between plastic wrap. This allows it to cool quickly and not form a skin. Keep refrigerated.

Recipe Type: Authentic
Recipe Author: Ritz-Carlton
Original Photograph By:
Photograph Retouched By: Recipe Spy
Hotel/Inn: Ritz-Carlton Hotel