
Ritz-Carlton Hotel: Almond Biscotti

1 stick Unsalted Butter
1 cup + 1 Tbsp. Granulated Sugar
1 each Orange Zest
1/2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
2 each Eggs, whole
2¼ cups All Purpose Flour
3/4 tsp. Baking Soda
1 pinch Salt
1-2/3 cups Almonds, sliced

In mixing bowl, cream butter, sugar, orange zest and vanilla using paddle. Add eggs 1 at a time, beating well between each and scraping down bowl. Add dry ingredients and mix until incorporated. Add sliced almonds, mixing until blended. Divide in half. On floured surface, form each into a log about 15” long.
Bake for 27 minutes at 350ºF. Allow to cool and slice the log into 3/8” thick slices. Place cut side down on a sheetpan and dry in a 350ºF oven for 7 minutes. Cool and place in airtight container.

Recipe Type: Authentic
Recipe Author: Ritz-Carlton Hotel
Hotel/Inn: Ritz-Carlton Hotel