
Gazpacho Flavored with Almonds Green Grapes & Vanilla Oil - Chef Hubert Keller

Gazpacho Ingredients
1 English cucumber, peeled, seeded and minced
2 cups green grapes
¾ cups almond flour
2 tbsp sherry vinegar
4 tbsp plain yogurt
1 clove of garlic, chopped
½ cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
4 tbsps Water
Salt and freshly ground white pepper

Vanilla Oil Ingredients
½ cup grape seed oil
6 Tahitian vanilla beans

Gazpacho Procedure:
Using a blender, transfer all the ingredients into the cup and blend until very smooth. Check the seasoning and refrigerate for one to two hours prior serving. The gazpacho can be prepared until one day in advance. For a fun presentation, I do recommend to serve the gazpacho in a martini glass, and touch up the cold soup with a few drops of vanilla oil. You can also garnish the glass with a frozen grape on a small bamboo squire.

Vanilla Oil Procedure
With a pointed knife, split the vanilla bean in half, longwise. With the back of the knife, delicately, scrape out the vanilla pods. Transfer them into the grape seed oil. Seal the container or bottle and shake real well. Keep it outside at room temperature. Shake the oil every 6 to 8 hours for 2 or 3 days.
To be user friendly, I do recommend transferring the vanilla oil into a small piping bottle to control the amount of oil used on a dish.

The vanilla oil can be used on grilled seafood and shellfish or chicken breast and summary salads.

Recipe Type: Authentic
Recipe Author: Chef Hubert Keller
Photograph By: Chef Hubert Keller/
Photograph Retouched By: Recipe Spy
Restaurant: Fleur De Lys, San Francisco, CA