
Maredo: Pepper Steak with Fennel Cream Vegetables Recipe

Serves: For 2 people
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Cooking time approx: 20 min
Difficulty: Easy

1 fennel bulb
1 onion
1 pickle
1 tomato
2 rump steaks, ready to cook, each approx 180 g
pepper, ground pepper
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoons butter
120 ml cream
fennel leaves, for garnish

Preheat the oven to 100 ° C top and bottom heat.
Wash the fennel, clean, quarter, free of the hard stalk and cut into narrow strips. Pull the onion and cut into narrow strips. The cucumber into small cubes. Blanch the tomato scare, Peel, quarter, core and cut into small cubes.

Wash the meat, pat dry, salt and pepper generously and fry in a hot pan with hot oil on both sides. Bake in preheated oven about 15 minutes until pink finish.

Meanwhile, in a hot pan with melted butter the onion and fennel glazed sweat. Pour in the cream, and simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes, stir in the diced vegetables. Stand briefly and season with salt and pepper. On preheated plates, arrange the meat sit out and serve garnished with fennel leaves.
