
Applebee's Salad Dressing Recipe

Prep time: 10 min
Cook time: 10 min
Serves: 8

Yield: approximately 3/4 cup.
1/4 cup Mayonnaise
4 tablespoons Rice Wine Vinegar
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons sesame seed oil
1 teaspoon toasted sesame seed oil
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

In a medium sized bowl combine sugar, and rice wine vinegar, and mix until sugar is completely dissolved.  Add remaining ingredients and stir until well blended. Refrigerate salad dressing in a covered container for up to one week.

A couple of notes about the ingredients, the rice wine vinegar is carried in most grocery stores, be careful not to purchase the seasoned rice wine vinegar, as it is sweetened, and a salad dressing made with that makes the dressing way too sweet.  The sesame oil can be found in the regular section of the oils in a grocery store.  Now the toasted sesame oil look in the Oriental section of your grocery store.
