
Bistro De Leon: French Madeleines Recipe

Serves: 4 people

3 full fresh eggs
175 grams (3/4 cup) of white granulated sugar
10 cl (1/3 cup) of whole milk
 250 grams (1 cup) of fl our
 5 grams (1/10 cup) of yeast
125g (1/2 cup) of melted butter

Phase I « preparation »
1. Mix flour and yeast
2. Add to step 1 during mixing sugar and eggs and milk
3. Always mixing add the melted butter
4. Mixing until homogeneous
5. let all the mixture sit covered two hours minimum in the fridge
Note: This preparation can be used up to five days

Phase II « baking »
Preheat the oven at 392° Fahrenheit
Take a Madeleine mold (pan) ( you can find these at any kitchen supply store), butter the mold with a cooking paintbrush.
Lay down a soup spoon of the preparation in each part of the mold, bake 9 minutes at 392 Fahrenheit
It’s ready to serve hot with ice cream and also perfect cold with tea or coffee.

Recipe Type: Authentic
Recipe Author: Chef Jean-Stephane Poinard
Restaurant: Bistro De Leon, 12 Cathedral Place, St. Augustine, FL